CoolSculpting® in Culver City & Marina Del Rey

Cosmetique Aesthetics is proud to offer CoolSculpting,

the #1 Non-Invasive Body Sculpting Procedure

With a total of 9 different treatment areas now FDA-cleared, CoolSculpting® is safe, effective, and produces proven results without surgery. Our CoolSculpting in Culver City procedure gently and effectively delivers controlled cooling, targeting the fat cells beneath the skin while leaving the surrounding skin and tissue unaffected. The treated fat cells are frozen, crystallized, and then die off. Your body then processes the fat and eliminates the dead cells in the months ahead, leaving your figure trimmer and more sculpted. CoolSculpting results are a permanent solution, with frozen fat cells now gone for good. There is no surgery, no anesthesia, and no downtime. Call us at 310-853-6032 to learn more.

¿Funciona CoolSculpting?

As fat cells freeze more quickly than the surrounding cells, these cells can be targeted with the CoolSculpting system. Approved by the FDA in 2010, CoolSculpting treatments have continued to gain in popularity ? as the results are permanent. To maintain the sculpted look, you must continue to manage your diet, as gaining weight adds bulk, though less fat will be able to collect in the treated area because fewer fat cells remain in that zone.

El tratamiento CoolSculpting

El procedimiento implica el uso de paletas cómodas y redondeadas que succionan la piel y la grasa para que el proceso de congelación pueda ser administrado en la zona objetivo. La incomodidad es muy leve, y la mayoría de los pacientes simplemente se relajan, leen o incluso descansan durante el procedimiento. Sentirá una sensación de tracción en la succión, y la sensación de enfriamiento cuando las células de grasa se congelan. Nuestro CoolSculpting en Marina Del Rey es el tratamiento perfecto para los antiestéticos cúmulos de grasa en las siguientes zonas del cuerpo:

  • Abdomen
  • Michelines
  • Muslos
  • Bajo el mentón
  • Grasa en la espalda
  • Grasa de sostén
  • Banana Roll
  • Brazos superiores

CoolSculpting, el #1 tratamiento no invasivo de reducción de grasa , está ahora disponible para reducir la grasa bajo la barbilla y el contorno del cuello.

The CoolSculpting® treatment is now FDA-cleared

to treat the submandibular area

El tratamiento CoolSculpting® está autorizado por la FDA para tratar la zona submandibular, lo que lo convierte en el único tratamiento no quirúrgico de reducción de grasa que contornea la zona debajo de la línea de la mandíbula y mejora el aspecto de la laxitud de la piel, incluso en pacientes de mayor peso.

CoolSculpting® Voted the Best 4 Years in a Row!

When Diet and Exercise Don?t Work:

CoolSculpting is the Answer

Many of our patients at Cosmetique Aesthetics are committed to eating a healthy diet and consistently exercise, but are still plagued by unsightly fatty deposits. Even when the rest of your body is trim, a fatty tummy or thighs can leave you frustrated. The developers of the CoolSculpting technology discovered a system that works ? and is non-invasive and non-surgical. After treatment, clients can go back to work or other activities at once. There is no downtime after a CoolSculpting session.

¿Debería probar CoolSculpting? ¿Está bien para mí?

Are you a candidate for CoolSculpting? There are very few restrictions about who is eligible for this amazing fat-reduction treatment. The only restriction is that you should be within 50 pounds of your ideal weight to get treatment. Pregnant or breastfeeding women are not candidates for the treatment. Some patients with very rare conditions related to response to cold (cryoglobulinemia or Raynaud?s) or nerve diseases should not undergo this treatment. Your medical history will be reviewed to ensure the procedure is safe for you. You can expect to lose about 25 percent of the excess fat within a few months of the treatment.

CoolSculpting es perfecto para hombres y mujeres con exceso de grasa

Usted es un individuo único, y donde los niveles de grasa y los bultos que se han acumulado en su cuerpo son diferentes para cada persona, las mujeres suelen quejarse de exceso de grasa en los muslos, la barriga y los glúteos, mientras que los hombres suelen tener exceso de grasa en la zona de la barriga. Si tienes buena salud y en general estás en buena forma y quieres eliminar el exceso de grasa para tener una apariencia más fuerte, CoolSculpting produce resultados impresionantes.

¿Cómo funciona CoolSculpting?

Cold can target fat cells without damaging the surrounding tissue ? the basics of how our CoolSculpting in Culver City works. The process is called Cryolipolysis® and is the proven science behind this groundbreaking fat reduction treatment. Precisely controlled cooling is applied to the targeted area of unwanted fat. The cells are frozen and the freezing process causes them to die off. You have only a certain number of fat cells in your body (don?t worry ? you have plenty more on the rest of your body), and these cells grow and shrink with weight change. After treatment, your body naturally eliminates the destroyed cells, the treated area begins to slim, resulting in a trimmer, more sculpted look within a few short months.

Beneficios de CoolSculpting

Las personas que tienen un peso normal, o hasta 50 libras de exceso de peso pueden experimentar una mejora significativa en la forma del cuerpo con este tratamiento innovador. El procedimiento puede ayudar a recortar los michelines y los antiestéticos bultos de la barriga. En lugar de vivir con acumulaciones de grasa que te frustran y te hacen infeliz, este tratamiento puede darte una apariencia más escultural y adecuada que se ve completamente natural y no implica un procedimiento más invasivo como la cirugía o liposucción. Otros beneficios incluyen:

  • No invasivo
  • No quirúrgico
  • Reduce efectivamente la capa de grasa en un 20 a 30 por ciento
  • Easy to tolerate ? no anesthetic
  • Procedimiento rápido
  • Sin tiempo de inactividad

After Your CoolSculpting Treatment This treatment has no downtime, and you can return to your usual activities directly after the procedure. You will wear a compression garment for comfort, such as an ace bandage wrap. You may have skin in the area that appears white or red which typically remains for just a few hours. Swelling, bruising, or a slight tenderness is not uncommon, as is a numb sensation in the treated area, all of which will diminish as the weeks pass. You will be given aftercare instructions and we are always available to speak with you should you have any questions or concerns.

¿Cuánto tiempo antes de que la grasa desaparezca?

A medida que tu cuerpo elimina lentamente las células de grasa muertas, reducirás la grasa, un proceso que lleva de dos a cuatro meses. Los resultados típicos del tratamiento son una reducción de la grasa de alrededor de 20 a 30 por ciento. Es muy gratificante ver que el área de grasa se reduce lentamente y ver la mejora de la definición de su contorno corporal.

CoolSculpting en Cosmetique Aesthetics

f you are considering CoolSculpting in the Marina Del Rey or Culver City areas, we invite you to visit our state-of-the-art medical spa for a consultation and treatment. We are meticulous, professional, and dedicated to providing every patient with the safest, most effective body sculpting treatments and deliver the best results in CoolSculpting Marina Del Rey and Culver City have to offer.

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    Office Location

    Cosmetique Aesthetics
    10830 W. Washington
    Blvd, Culver City, CA


    Lunes - Viernes: 10am - 5:30pm
    Sábado: 10am - 2pm
    Domingo: Cerrado