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  • jumpstart your weight loss resolutions with liposuction

    Inicie sus resoluciones de pérdida de peso con la liposucción

    It?s a new year and a new you. At least, that?s what many of us claimed as the bells tolled midnight on New Year?s Eve. Now, millions of Americans across the country are left with resolutions feeling too big to fill, especially those involving weight loss. Fortunately, Cosmetique Aesthetics has the solution ? liposuction.

    What is Liposuction?

    Being a leading body contouring specialist here in Culver City, California, we often receive questions regarding liposuction and whether it?s a safe fat loss method. At Cosmetique Aesthetics, we take great care with every patient, using only the best tools and safest procedures for our body sculpting treatment. To achieve this, we?ve said goodbye to outdated, medically-invasive forms of liposuction and upgraded to VASERlipo.

    VASERlipo is a form of liposuction, which uses ultrasound technology, rather than surgical fat removal, to get the same results with minimal downtime. VASERlipo is tissue-selective, meaning that only the targeted fat is removed during your body sculpting session. All surrounding tissue is safe and untouched, allowing us to smooth and shape your body the way you?ve always wanted it to look.

    How VASERlipo Helps Kick Start Weight Loss

    One of the most common goals we set for ourselves in the new year is weight loss. To feel lighter, achieve more energy, and fit into all those clothes we used to love isn?t such a bad goal to have. However, getting started is difficult. There are all those leftover holiday treats to eat, and then just as January passes, February brings on the Valentine?s chocolate temptations. If only there were some fat loss method that didn?t involve a rigid workout regimen right after Christmas.

    VASERlipo offers a ray of light at the end of the long weight loss tunnel. Rather than waiting months and months to burn off those last 10 pounds, or reshape those love handles, VASERlipo provides seemingly instant results. Not only does our innovative liposuction treatment remove fat, it smooths and sculps as well. Leaving you with the body you?ve always dreamed of but couldn?t achieve alone.

    Many of our clients lead healthy lifestyles, eat right, and exercise often. Some fat pockets are harder to move than others, making it feel impossible to get the shape you?re aiming for. VASERlipo removes this hurdle and the fat that put it there.

    Try Liposuction with Cosmetique Aesthetics Today

    With years of experience serving our clients in California, Cosmetique Aesthetics offers a well-trained, friendly staff with your best interest at heart. We strive to provide the best results with the least amount of downtime possible. We know how important your job and life commitments are to you, and by choosing the most modern tools and treatments, we ensure you are back on your feet as soon as possible.

    If you?re interested in jump-starting your New Year?s resolution with VASERlipo, contact us today. Currently, Cosmetique Aesthetics is serving patients in Culver City, Marina Del Rey, Mar Vista, Playa Vista, and surrounding areas. Call (310) 837-5555 for your consultation and start burning that fat away today without setting foot on an elliptical.