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  • happy woman

    The Truth About Liposuction: Separating Myths From Facts

    If you?re looking for a way to quickly and easily tone your body, liposuction is one of the most popular options out there. However, despite its prevalence, there are many misconceptions and myths surrounding liposuction that can make potential patients hesitant about the procedure. At Cosmetique Aesthetics & Surgical Center in Culver City, CA, we want to help you separate fact from fiction so you can make the best choice for your body. Learn more below and contáctanos with any questions!

    the truth about liposuction
    person touching their stomach

    Myth: Liposuction Is a Weight Loss Solution

    Fact: According to the Mayo Clinic, liposuction is not considered to be a weight loss solution. Rather, it is designed for individuals who are at or near their ideal body weight but struggle with areas of stubborn fat that seem resistant to diet and exercise. For these patients, liposuction can be an effective way to remove these fat cells, but it is not intended to reduce large amounts of weight.

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    the truth about liposuction 2

    Myth: Liposuction Is Only for Women

    Fact: While we commonly perform liposuction procedures for women in Culver City and the surrounding areas, more and more men are turning to liposuction to enhance their physique. Men often choose to have liposuction performed on areas such as the abdomen, chest, and neck to achieve a more toned and muscular appearance.

    person getting liposuction
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    Myth: Liposuction Is a Painful Procedure

    Fact: Advancements in techniques and technology have made liposuction much less invasive and painful than it used to be. At Cosmetique Aesthetics & Surgical Center, our experienced surgeons and aestheticians utilizan Liposucción VASER, a method of ultrasound-assisted liposuction that typically has better results, reduced discomfort, and minimal downtime.

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    Myth: Liposuction Results Are Permanent

    Fact: For many individuals, liposuction can provide long-lasting results. However, it?s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to ensure that the fat cells do not return. Patients should continue to exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet to maintain their toned physique following a liposuction procedure.

    how to maintain your body after liposuction

    Now you have all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether liposuction is the right choice for you. If you think you?d like to give liposuction a try, contact Cosmetique Aesthetics & Surgical Center today to set up an appointment at our clinic in Culver City!