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  • Laser Hair Removal: Dos and Donts

    Laser Hair Removal: Dos and Donts

    Excess unwanted hair? Dr. Sarshad offers laser hair removal for Culver City and Marina Del Rey patients

    Excess and unwanted hair is a common problem. Women frequently experience this condition on the face, especially the upper lip or eyebrow area, in the bikini area, under the arms or on the legs.

    On January 2016, an article was published on themccordlist.com by RACHEL McCord. Rachel shared the Dos and Donts when getting your laser hair removal. We’d like to share part of that story here with our audience too because laser hair removal is becoming one of the most demanded procedures.

    About that hair removal Dos and Donts…

    • Do research the options you have. I can personally vouch for the service at Cosmetique but there are many options so just make sure you get a trusted opinion before making the decision
    • Don’t wear uncomfortable clothing after your treatment. Although the numbing cream removes the sensation of the laser, it is still so much better to walk out in sweatpants. #oops I forgot this one!
    • Do refrain from waxing before your laser treatment. Shaving is fine but make sure you haven’t recently waxed because the laser needs to be able to find the hair follicles. Waxing rips the follicles out (ouch), so the laser wouldn’t be as effective until the hair has grown back
    • Don’t walk in with a fro. Lol! Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Have a fresh shave and you are good to go!
    • Do refrain from tanning. The darker the skin the harder it is for the laser to accurately identify the hair follicles

    READ FULL STORY by RACHEL McCord: Dos and Donts When Getting Your Laser Hair Removal On!

    Note: there’s a spike in the hair removal business from men. Dr. Sarshad has been medical director of Culver City-based Cosmetique Aesthetics since 2005, and while we cannot reveal any client names for confidentiality purposes, we welcome Hollywood insiders and outsiders on our client’s list.