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Book NowYou may be wondering what the difference is between taking vitamins intravenously vs. the more common pill form.
People who suffer from inadequate amounts of vitamins and minerals not only suffer from reduced immune function and exhibit some of the symptoms listed above, but more often than not, the results of malnutrition appear on their skin. Breakouts, uneven skin tone, dull skin, flaky skin and eczema are often the result of malnutrition and unabsorbed nutrients.
Intravenous therapy (IV therapy treatment) is the administration of liquid solutions directly into a vein. In the case of our vitamin IV therapy in Marina Del Rey, the vitamins are injected directly into your bloodstream, rather than absorbed through your stomach after being routed through your digestive system. The direct route offers far better absorption than the vitamins you can take in pill, tablet or liquid form.
For example, digestive diseases are extremely prevalent and may prevent proper digestion of minerals and vitamins. Crohns’s disease, Irritable bowel syndrome, Lactose intolerance, colitis, ulcers and diarrhea can all prevent proper absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream.
Another example of why our IV Drip in Culver City treatment may be better than pill form is for Celiacs. Celiacs are those people who for genetic reasons lack the proper enzymes to digest gluten in their gastrointestinal tract. Gluten is the stuff in breads and crackers that keeps the everything together. Celiacs, when they eat gluten found in breads and other common foods, get stomach aches and other ailments. Sometimes this includes diarrhea and stomach pain. The most important repercussion of eating gluten is the stomach’s inability to absorb nutrients for up to two days from the gastrointestinal tract. The cilia in the stomach lining “lays down” and doesn’t absorb, so Celiacs who are taking vitamins in pill form are unable to absorb the vitamins and the benefit of having taken anything at all passed through the GI tract.
[Celiacs in the U.S. are estimated to be 1 in 133, or almost 1% of the population (reference: celiac.com). Celiac disease is perhaps the most common genetic disorder in the United States, as well as one of the most poorly diagnosed diseases. Because it’s been poorly diagnosed, many people are unaware that they have Celiacs disease.