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We admit that diet and exercise are both important for your physical health as well as overall well being. For that reason, at Cosmetique Aesthetics we offer HCG Weight loss and Weight Management programs. However, there are also new and exciting opportunities that can take you above and beyond the limitations of dieting and working out. We can help you use your stubborn, hard-to-burn fat to achieve all of your body goals.
Despite popular opinion, having a little extra fat is not always a bad thing. Anyone can be proud of their body when that extra fat is placed in a more desirable area. This process is called “sculpting“ or “contouring.” Instead of having fat surgically extracted from your body and thrown away, at Cosmetique Aesthetics, we can use it to help you reach your full physical potential. The excess fat can be used to sculpt a variety of features such as cheeks, buttocks, and even reducing the appearance of scars. For example, many women desire an hourglass shape with a tiny waist. We can give you that look by using the fat that you can’t seem to get rid of to help create and enhance your beautiful features!
Dr. Ramin Sarshad and Dr. Robert J. Troell at Cosmetique Aesthetics use the most successful procedure for sculpting and contouring your body. This procedure is referred to as “fat grafting”, which gives us much more control of how the fat will be placed in your body. First, we use liposuction to gather your unwanted fat, usually from your tummy, thighs, arms, or hips. We then prepare the fat for use in contouring your body. The fat is reinserted and shaped into your body for a more natural look.
Finally, be sure to properly research legitimate surgeons. To help you choose, please schedule a consultation using the form on this page, or call us now @ 310-837-5555 to discuss your options in greater details.
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